
Hygiene is becoming increasingly more important, especially in light of these unprecedented times. It affects the entire population whether at home or at work, even more so at work where larger numbers gather as well as the added exposure of commuting.

This had led to a greater demand for rigorous cleaning and sanitising regimes. Synthetic chemicals may have a short-term efficacy but they can lead to the creation of stronger strains of bacteria and viruses as they mutate to negate the power of the actives. There is also the added danger of bioaccumulation where products can become a danger to the ecosystem.

Reseda’s natural products, which have been independently tested to protect from microbes, including Coronavirus, offer high levels of efficacy but without inherent dangers of synthetics.

This range of products which not only improve the hygiene levels of the person, surroundings and environment, but also boosts immunity of the individual, surrounding and environment. The products don’t leave dangerous chemical front, they are made from safer alternatives of plant extracts & essential oils. The products are developed with an extensive research around the plant extracts & essential oils.

The range involves:

Personal Care Products:

Hand sanitisers, hand washes and antimicrobial disinfecting spray.

Surroundings & Spaces:

Disinfectant cleaners, fumigation & fogging agents, surface disinfection spray, aerial disinfectant spray & diffuser.

Food items:

Vegetable & food disinfectant wash.